Monday, November 24, 2014

Twenty One Years of Blessings

Today I turned twenty one, it is one of few birthdays that are considered by many to be a milestone birthday simply for the fact that you are able to drink legally. However, every birthday should be considered a milestone simply for the fact that each and everyday dawns with the fact that the next one isn't promised to anyone no matter your age or the state of health that you find yourself in. I want to use my birthday as an opportunity to glorify God, because He is the only reason I am alive today, and He should have all of the glory.

Twenty one is a long life

We often consider a long life to be about seventy years or more, but how much time is there really in twenty one years? I have been alive for 21 years, 252 months, 1,095 weeks, 7,665 days, 184,065 hours, and 11,044,929 minutes. This time that I have broken down are all blessings form the Lord, and let me tell you why. Every second of everyday, the time that has encompassed these twenty one years that I have lived I have been blessed with air to take in, and to push back out again. I have eyes that can see, legs that can stand, and feet that continue to walk me step by step. My heart is beating because I can feel it in my chest. Not a day has gone by where the Lord hasn't blessed me with the blessing of life, of health, and the ability to function each and everyday. I didn't make it twenty one years, rather the Lord has chosen to grant me twenty one years of life that I do not regret living. I know that each and every trial I have been through, all of the sins that I have committed, and every time that the holy spirit has moved through me has fit into the Lords plan for me one way or another. If I die tomorrow I would regret very little, and I do believe I lived a long and happy life.

God Can Do The Impossible

I do believe that if you asked my parents what the hardest time of their life was, I think today would be the beginning of that time. For three months they came everyday to the NICU to see their son, and I would imagine each day they came and I was alive, gave them a sigh of relief that is beyond the comprehension of the human brain. There is no question, that I would not be the man I am today without the Lord putting them in my life, and for that I am truly thankful. I know you will both be reading this, and I love you with all of my heart no matter what. God has used them to mold me and shape me into the servant he wants in me and I only hope to live up to the Lords expectations. Mom and dad, if the thought has ever crossed your mind of "Did we do a good job?" or "Where we good parents?"  I must tell you that you have gone above and beyond the title of what good parents are, and I hope you see that in me. In turn  I hope that you can say the of me that I am a good son. The Lord brought me from a measly one and a half pounds to a normal healthy average twenty one year old, I have come far, probably further than those in the medical field may have predicted. This is what makes our Lord so amazing, it isn't what we will but what God wills. If you wish to read my testimony click this link.

Thank You All

I was humbled today to see so many people wish me a happy birthday, some through Facebook while others called or sent me a text. I have always tried to be the nicest person that I can be, I am human and that in no way justifies any of my negative actions. Over the years I have heard people say "I am a good person." but I cannot say that of myself, because to say such things would imply that I think I am when in reality I know I am not. I am thankful to have some great friends and acquaintances to spend my days talking and interacting with. I am grateful to have met and talked to each and every one of you, thank you for taking the time today to wish me a happy birthday, it means more to me than you will ever know, or fathom. Glory to God, for the days I have lived are a blessing, my family I have are a blessing, the friends I have made are a blessing.

I hope each and every one of you have a very blessed day, thank you for making my birthday a special one, and may God Bless you all.

-The Christian

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